Youth Exchange Open Sounds in Poland

Nasutow, Poland. 28 June to 7 July

Open Sounds was an Exchange about MUSIC. 5 young greeks had the possibility to participate of the exchange.
4 countries take part of it: Poland, France, Spain and Greece.
Nasutow it’s a magical place in the countryside of Lublin. In the middle of the green, we could enjoy workshops related with composition, art, theatre and many activities regarding with music and art
The Greek group was in charge of the organisation of one of the nights. We dance, sing and introduce the great greek food. The video was part of the presentation of Greek night, with a touch of parody
<iframe width=”425″ height=”349″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Lazaros, Varbara, Stella, Maria and Hlektra were the young group who went to Poland with Lucia, one of the EVS Volunteers, This Exchange it was for young people between 15 and 18 years. So it was an opportunity to exchange cultures, to communicate in a foreign language and interact with others.

Also, after “Open Sounds” many of the guys were pushed and motivated about music and composition. Fortunately, in the greek group all of the guys were “little musicians”

This last photo is from the Greek night that was a complete surprise and performance. After that, the greek dance started….
Finally, the photo of the big group. Participation was very active and creative because all the activities where done according to music and young people

Music youth exchange OPEN SOUNDS finished with big success!
European Centre of Youth Co-operation

On the 7th July 2011 we finished with huge success another international South Exchange – it was music Exchange entitled OPEN SOUNDS!

The exchange, without any doubts, was successful. All main goals were achieved: young artists from Greece, Spain, France and Poland created common song! It was recorded in an exclusive recording studio “ShitRoom Studio Productions”, it’s entitled “Open Sounds” and describes all activities which were undertaken during the exchange. Video clip about the exchange also has been recorded – now it is being edited. During the project we also organized workshops for pupils from Happy Childhood Foundation. “Open album” – another result of the exchange – colorful e-book about the exchange is also being prepared.


More information abort the Project you can find on facebook profile:

„Open Sounds” song:​=ldHpzSvaBPo&feature=player_em​bedded#at=55

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