We are looking for one Estonian volunteer ( 18-30 years old , boy or girl)
We are looking for one Estonian volunteer ( 18-30 years old , boy or girl)
for EVS project in Greece ( 2013-GR-19 MEDIART).
Starting day : 6th of June.
Duration 7 months.
We are looking for a boy or a girl who can work with all social media, promoting social messages and the “international days” campaigns ( via Facebook, writing articles in blogs , creating Youtube).
Send your interesting, cv praxis@praxisgreece.com
The volunteer’s tasks are the following:
1) Radio Station (30%). The Volunteer will gain valuable experience working with media. Volunteer’s tasks are in control sound system during the journalistic radio-broadcast on the Master Sound control. Every day the volunteer has his/her personal radio broadcast. Every volunteer creates and records a personal radio spot to promote and advertise his/her broadcast.
2) International web- campaign promoting social and human values.(40%)
For the theme of every campaign, the volunteer receives all this information some weeks earlier. When the volunteer receives all data links about “THE INTERNATIONAL DAY” he/she has to inform about the subject and then works together with the professionals in order to have brain-storming discussion.
Tasks for every campaign:
a) PRAXIS cooperates with most of the international organizations , volunteers within the frame of ERASMUS+ programme, will participate in this campaign.
b) PRAXIS cooperates with all local authorities and all local NGOs. PRAXIS’s volunteer takes pictures, video interviews and finally all this documentation is shown on YouTube, local newspapers and media.
c) For each campaign the volunteer:
– makes a radio spot to promote a social message
– radio broadcasts
– writes a personal article on thevolunteers’ blog
– uploads information on th facebook of PRAXIS
– creates posters, leaflets and flyers.
3) Youth information center (15%):
– elaboration of questionnaires or survey campaigns
– creation of information material
– organization of public information events
– dissemination of the information on the internet and in the local media
– constant update of the information.
The Volunteer is responsible for:
– the preparation of the material of information
– answering the questions of the young people on the events and the campaigns in the future,
– the collection of young people’s expectations and activities proposals
– helping in information research.
4) Cooperation with schools (5%). The activities mainly take place within the school, with the idea of creating links between schools and the organisation. But also many school classes are visiting the Radio station by many occasions (i.e. International Radio day, promoting their school projects).
The volunteer transmit his experience of mobility and youth participation:
– organization of a job orientation fair
– dissemination of information
– participating in and/or organizing debates on the value of the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy promoting the European values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, human rights, minorities.
5) Youth cultural activities (3%). The volunteer will introduce in such activities the “spirit” of his/her culture
Thematic month: presenting their country with regard to its history, culture/society *Organizing exhibitions
6) Multimedia activities (2%): The volunteer will be trained according to his abilities and interests. He will be involved in existing projects or he/she can initiate his/her own ones. Creating blogs by gathering all good practices on youth participation in Europe in cooperation with the other local NGOs
7) Support in students projects and youth initiatives (3%): the volunteer, alongside with a professional or a teacher, will get in touch with the group, will share his cultural background and will propose his ideas.
8) Outdoor activities (2%): Mainly in spring and autumn:
– cleaning up days
– replanting trees
– supporting in sport activities
MEDIART project recognizes the needs of the local community and offers opportunities to young people to express their creativity, and develop their skills for their future life and employment by promoting via media the “ International days messages”.
MEDIART needs volunteers who actively participate, support and bring in their fresh new ideas, promoting cultural diversity to the local community of Serres.
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