Kémes, Hungary-Youth Exchange: 15th August 2014. – 1rst September 2014
Send your interesting for participation to : praxis@praxisgreece.com
Topic: creative entrepreneurship, rural development, job, cultural exchange, youth unemployment, non-formal
education, personal and professional development
Youth Exchange: 15th August 2014. – 1rst September 2014.
Kémes, Hungary
Travel cost:
participation fee :30 euro
Countires: 10 partner countries: Germany, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Lithauen,
Malta, France
5 participants age between 18-30, 1 group leader without age limit.
1. Trash Music
Music instruments from recycled objects, Bélaműhely www.belamuhely.com, global education, musicians
can participate, traditional music & instruments, Jam session, song writing, slam poetry
2. Create your job! – different kind of professionals from rural areas
Honeymaking, weaving, sewing, natural seed oil, farming, agriculture, milk products , wood carvet
3. Photography
Taking photos about the Ormánság, mobile photo exhibition – available in each country through an
exhibition, old photo machines & labor work, dark room, manual photo skills, creating professional brand,
portfolio, management
+1 – European Parliament youth commission
Youth in Europe, education, job applications, sharing experiences of youth employability from different
countries, cv-personsal statements the do’s and dont’s, youth pass, good examples
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