EVS στην Κυπρο
Πρόγραμμα EVS για 12 μηνες στην Κυπρο , όλα πληρωμένα από το προγραμμα (διαμονη, διατροφη, αεροπορικο εισητηριο, πληρη ιατροφαρμακευτικη περιθαλψη , δυο εργασιμες μερες διακοπες, απασχοληση 5 μερες την εβδομαδα, ενας μεντορας να σε καθοδηγει , ένα μικρο χαρτζιλικi /cash ανα μηνα, επισημο πιστοποιητικο συμμετοχης youthpass, μοναδικη εμπειρια ζωης!…. )
Δες το, και, αν ενδιαφερεσαι στειλε το βιογραφικο σου, και, αν μπορεις να το κανεις προωθηση σε καποιους που ενδιαφερονται και είναι μεσα στο ηλικιακο περιθωριο : οι ηλικιες είναι από 18- 30 χρονων
Επικοινωνια και δηλωση συμμετοχης cv, (οχι εδω στο FB) μονον στα e-mails praxis@praxisgreece.com & clivet.a@uncrcpc.org
If you would like to spend 12 months in Cyprus and you are interested in human rights we suggest you the project of a humanitarian organisation CRC Policy Center which goal is to create a better life for children.
Our dream is a safe and joyful world for children where no one has to fear of social or cultural discrimination, sexual abuse, bullying, gender-based violence and other horrible things.
If you agree with our goals and you would like to help to underprivileged children, participate in campaign, improve your fundraising and communication skills join our team. We are looking for people age 20-30.
For more information and to apply send your CV to
The project is proposing has duration of 12 months.
About the starting day we will contact with the hosting organisation
The main theme of the project is “Children’s rights” as well as associate challenging issues and implications for practice such as gender-based violence, sexual abuse, bullying, social or cultural discrimination, children on the move and other phenomena that challenge the implementation of children’s rights nationally and worldwide.
The main activities are planned to happen at the Research & Development Department at the HQ offices in the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia and they include:
1. Support and administrative activities: the volunteers will assist in the progress of the regular schedule and activities of the department.
2. Research (primary and secondary, survey tasks, country reports about the themes and topics connected with the promotion and the protection of children’s rights, disadvantaged and vulnerable minorities/children, sexual violence against children, gender equality and gender based violence, child-friendly justice systems, positive parenting, bullying, evaluation methods and possibility for placement in foster care families.
3. Creative activities and initiatives that can take place one time or be repeating and are not part of the regular program of the Research & Development department but have complementary value.
At the Research & Development Department the volunteers will be integrated in a multileveled, multidisciplinary and interactive work structure and will be encouraged to take creative initiatives.
We are looking forward to hearing from you praxis@praxisgreece.com
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