“ReAct” in Slovenia

I’m Eleni and I collaborate with Praxis Greece. In July we were asked to contribute in the research of participants for a project in Slovenia organized by EPEKASlovenia. Now that I am back from the project I must admit that I feel really lucky that our paths crossed with these amazing first of all people and then organizers. As you can understand, obviously, I participated too to this TC that took place from 16th till the 20th  of August 2021 in Maribor. “ReAct” is a project that as main objective has to empower youth workers who are focused on working with inactive youth (NEET). During the project we mainly worked on good practices, we developed methods and strategies and we had some visits in different places in order to learn more about some small entrepreneurships and how they  include young people with fewer opportunities. We also had the chance to combine a visit to the capital, Ljubljana, and workshops. There we visited Studentski Kampus were we had some workshops and after went on a tour around the city. Our lunch and dinner were booked in two amazing restaurants with specials stories. Both of them give chances and include people with fewer opportunities. So, during this project lots of interesting things happened! We gained knowledge and experience through non formal education, we came closer with people from other countries and we got used to live in an intercultural environment. So, 23 people from Germany, Czech republic, Serbia, Slovenia and Greece created a safe environment and worked together in order to have the best results. Representing Praxis Greece were Sotiria, Damianos and me.EpekaSlovenia took care of us, they hosted us in their amazing venue, they booked a marvellous hotel and exceptional restaurants! I hope that this was the beginning of new collaborations and new things to come in the future!

“This TC in Slovenia is something that I will remember for my entire life. It’s my second time applying for a project through Praxis and this time I had the opportunity to be part of the project “ReACt” organized by EPEKASlovenia. Through Erasmus+ programs you gain knowledge, experience and at the same time you have fun! During this TC we had the chance not only to meet great people but also to work together as a group of youths for our activation. During the training, we managed to learn through workshops about the acts of the organization with several groups in Maribor and also to meet some of those people and hear their stories. Furthermore, we had a tour in Ljubljana, where we visited many sights with beautiful view. Every participant was special in their own way and of course Slovenian food and beer were awesome! These things combined had the result of having an unforgettable experience! In conclusion, I believe youth activation is something really important in today’s society and with this training I got inspired for being more active from now on!!!”


“This Erasmus Youth program was my first one and absolutely  not the last one! I saw a post shared on Facebook from Praxis Greece regarding this project, I decided to apply and then I founn my self in Slovenia in a training organized by Epeka!
The fact that Erasmus+ gives you the opportunity to travel, gain knowledge and experience and have fun at the same time it’s really amazing!
At first, I flew to Slovenia where I stayed in Ljubljana at a hostel for 2 days. The city was beautiful and so greenery. The day after my arrival I went to Bled lake, which was a dream destination of mine. After that the next day I took the train and I went to Maribor where I would attend the training course.. The first day we got to know each other and to play some really nice and funny games in order to break the ice. The day after I think was my favorite one, we went back to Ljubljana for a day trip, to attend some presentations and the role of an ngo, that had to do about the integration of vulnerable groups.
One more thing that I found really interesting was the restaurant that we went to eat in the evening. Actually,  I liked the mindset of the people there and the fact that tried to help people in need. Of course, also, the food was amazing that day especially the indian one.
The next day after visiting the capital, we had a really interesting visit in Maribor after the workshop and later that day we had the intercultural evening, where every ethnic group brought food and drinks to taste from their country. That night was amazing because I got to know the other participants better and I found some of them really interesting personalities. Our group presented a quiz game about Greece, our sending organization, videos about Greece and some Greek dances.. The day after was mostly full of workshops. We went to several NGO’ and some of them really impressed me. Later it was pool time and in the evening we had a night city visit.
The last day we went to Epeka for the final workshops. We learned more information about the Erasmus youth programs, we took our Yoythpass and had our Farewell party.
In conclusion, it was a nice experience and I have lots of memories  and nice people to remember even though I wish I could stay more in order to get to know them better. I found those people really generous, humble, and definitely I will meet them in the future!”



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