“From Drama to Transformation and Co-Creation II”in Slovakia
Title: “From Drama to Transformation and Co-Creation II”
When: 27.06.2022 – 02.07.2022
Where: Oravská Lesná, Slovakia
Who: 3 GREEK participants or RESIDENTS in GREECE.
Description of the Training Course:
The project is designed as three follow-up mobilities which will be held in Greece and Slovakia. These courses are going to help youth workers to strengthen the capacity of their youth work by developing their competences in supporting people and creating innovative programmes and increasing the impact of their programmes and activities on young people.
Main objectives:
The main objective of this project is to strengthen the capacity of organisations working with young people to move towards greater internal stability and sustainability and thus increase the impact of their work on young people.
Costs and Accommodation:
- All costs for food, accommodation, local transport and course material will be covered through the funding provided by the ERASMUS+. International travel from Greece to Austria will be covered up to 275 euros. Please note that the travel costs will be reimbursed only for those participants who stay for the whole period of the training (travel days are 26th of June and 3rd of July, 2022), who fill the final report after the training is over as well as who actively participate in sharing the results and outcomes of the training after the training is over.
- The project will take place in the village Oravská Lesná, which is located on the western edge of the whole Orava region. During the project, participants will be staying at the Hotel Severka.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please apply here by June 16th 2022: https://forms.gle/7dnkEUwA4ua2q7ar8
Good luck!