“Wo+Men rights” in Portugal
Training course in Portugal!
Title:“Wo+Men rights”
When: 18 – 26 June 2023
Where: Arrouquelas, Rio Maior, Portugal
Who: volunteers from Praxis Greece / current residents of Greece
(pax age: under 18)
Hosting organization: YOPA
Travel reimbursement up to 360 euros
training course on dealing with gender stereotyping and gender-based violence through local and online youth work activities.
Themes of the training course:
Gender equality is an essential aim for any society based on human rights, democracy and the rule of law.Gender equality concerns almost every aspect of social interaction and public policy, including youth policyand youth work. Every individual is directly and personally affected by issues relating to gender equality and gender-based violence. However, discussing gender and gender-based violence can be difficult, as these discussions include concepts and terms which are not always clear, which may change over time, and which cut across different disciplines such as psychology, sociology, culture, medicine, law, education,activism or politics. The baseline is that gender-based violence is a human rights violation and affects not only people who are directly targeted by it, but also the whole of society. The Spotlight Initiative of the United Nations and the European Union provides the following data:
35% of girls and women in the world have experienced physical or sexual abuse;
70% of all human-trafficking victims worldwide are girls or women;
More than 700 million women alive today were married before the age of 18;
200 million women and girls alive today have been victims of female genital mutilation.‘Gender-based violence’ and ‘violence against women’ are two terms that are often used interchangeably, as most violence against women is inflicted (by men) for gender-based reasons, and gender-based violence affects women disproportionately.The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women defines violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. In more recent legal documents, there are examples of the two terms being merged, and the term ‘gender-based violence against women’ is used. For example, in the Council of Europe’s Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), Article 3 offers the following definition: gender-based violence against women shall mean violence that is directed against a woman because she is a woman or that affects women disproportionately.
The overall aim of the training course is aimed to develop the youth workers, youth leaders’ skills and competences to support young women’s access to human rights through implementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women –CEDAW; European Convention on Human Rights and Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in their local realities and international level. Practicing non-formal learning methods to deal with gender stereotyping, recognising abusive relationship, fighting against sexist hate speech as part of gender-based violence. Establishing partnership among youth organisations to fight against sexist hate speech online and in local level.
Learning objectives of the training course are:
- To understand the socially-constructed nature of gender roles and the mechanisms and agents of gender socialisation;
- To learn how to recognise society’s differing expectations towards girls and boys, and young men and young women;
- To explore how gender norms affect people’s human rights;
- To understand the meaning of gender-based violence and be able to recognise different types of gender-based violence;
- To discuss the role of youth work in helping to prevent violence in intimate relationships;
- To identify dilemmas related to sex, sexuality and violence that young people face as they enter the adult world;
- To learn about sexual and reproductive rights within the human rights framework;
- To learn to recognise sexist hate speech and the consequences it has on the young people targeted;
- To identify different ways of responding to sexist hate speech online and develop an online action against sexist hate speech based on the needs of different target groups;
- To invent local and international youth projects in order to support gender equality and preventing gender-based violence according to the proposals of Erasmus+ programme and European Youth Foundation.
The methodology of the training course:
The project will be based on non-formal educational methodology. It will be learner centred and participatory. It will be really practical, that means participants will put their gained competences into practice already during the project and the training course itself. Experienced trainers’ team will prepare the programme flow based on the needs and expectations of the partner organisations and their participants. The training contributes to the development of organizational and communicational skills of each group member in a specific group work environment. Group members will experience process of democratic principles such as dialogue, mutual understanding, giving constructive feedback, decision making, self-exploration, attitude of analytical approach. After completion of this training, participants will contribute to the development of their local community through direct impact on youth in their work.
Theoretical background:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women – CEDAW;
- European Convention on Human Rights;
- Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence;
- Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility projects for young people and youth workers;
- European Youth Foundation.
Who can participate in the training course:
- Youth workers, youth leaders who directly work with groups of marginalised young people e.g. having minorities, refugees and migrants’ or Roma background;
- Youth workers, youth leaders, who would like to be part of an European platform and support each other’s local and European youth work in order to prevent gender based violence among young people;
- Community leaders, educators, trainers, facilitators, young leaders, social workers, intercultural mediators, youth policy makers to be put into practice in their daily work with and for young people.
- Ready to take part in the whole training course;
- To be able to communicate English language.
The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers. Travels costs will be counted based on the distance calculator of European Commission and reimbursed by bank transfer after the course. It may be that money from European Commission will be late; in that case, as mentioned, you will get your reimbursement after the course by bank transfer (be ready for that).
Good luck!
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