“Healthy Mind Bots” in Spain
“Healthy Mind Bots”
Youth Exchange
Alicante, Spain
“HEALTHY MIND BOTS” Is a project created with the aim to address the topics of mental health and emotional well-being in a holistic way, with a focus on the work environment.
Main topics: mental health, emotional well-being, Emotional intelligence, assertiveness, dealing with stress, empathy, critical thinking. Young people often face mental health problems related to their job occupation and professional development: burnout, anxiety, stress, dissatisfaction, etc.
Some negative factors like job insecurity, social pressure to succeed, lack of financial stability, among others –make the situation even worse.
In “Healthy mind bots”:
Offered practical tools and full support to young people who face challenges for their well-being and mental health when it comes to their professional realization Create a safe space where participants be able to share their opinions, thoughts and feelings and learn from the experience of each other.From PRAXIS 7 participants were there and here they evaluate and report their experience:
Healthy Mind Bots….
Αυτός ήταν ο τίτλος του προγράμματος με κεντρική ιδέα την ψυχική υγεια στο εργασιακό περιβάλλον. Ένα πολύ επίκαιρο και σημαντικό θέμα στον κόσμο των νέων που ερχονται σεεπαφή με αυτή τη καινούργια συνθήκη. Ήμασταν , λοιπον, 4 χώρες , Ελλάδα,Ισπανία,Ιταλία και Λιθουανία σε ένα όμορφο και φιλόξενο χόστελ λιγο πιο εξω απο το κέντρο του Αλικάντε. Απο διαδραστικά workshops μεχρι εξορμήσεις εκτός της αίθουσας γεμίσαμε χαμογελα και εμπειρίες. Κάναμε την δική μας εφημερίδα με την τωρινη κατάσταση στον τομέα της εργασίας στην Ελλάδα, μιλήσαμε για το stress management αλλα και για την συναισθηματική νοημοσύνη .Παίξαμε παιχνίδια που μας ενωσαν σαν ομάδα αλλα και συνεργαστήκαμε πανω σε θέματα ψυχικής υγείας που κατακλύζουν τους εργασιακούς χωρους. Εξερευνήσαμε το πανέμορφο Αλικάντε και καναμε πικ νικ σε ενα φοινικόδασος . Διοργανώσαμε τα δικά μας workshops και international nights. Αλλα κυρίως περάσαμε τέλεια. Η ομάδα ήταν άρτια και οι διοργανώτριες , Μαρία και Σβετλάνα ηταν πολυ ανοιχτές και φιλόξενες. Ηταν πολυ ομορφη εμπειρια που μας εδωσε το υποβαθρο να αναγνωρίζουμε στοιχεία κάποιας ψυχικής διαταραχής , καλή οργάνωση και θετική ενέργεια.
Ελισάβετ Δημητρακοπούλου
Through the Praxis Organization we were given the opportunity to travel to Spain and participate in the Youth exchange “Healthy Mind Bots” program, in which we were filled with new experiences and met people with different cultures. From the first moment, the people in charge made us feel safe, they boost us to open up and talk about the topics. As the result all the participants were in the mood to socialize and got to know each other. In the end of the program we had developed bonds between us. Also, they teach us how to cooperate with people we just met. This program gave us the opportunity to realize how important it is to control our thoughts, to limit the negative ones and give priority to every positive vibe and thought to be in our everyday life. In addition, during the week we had plenty of time to explore the city with the rest of the team and the Spain volunteers show us some of the monuments of Alicante.
Πασχαλης Παπαγιαννοπουλος
Healthy Mind Bots is a Youth exchange program in which carried out in Alicante, Spain. In this program we understood how the healthy mind play significant role in today’s society, providing valuable support and resources for individuals seeking to improve their mental well-being. From the very first day the leader of the project made us feel like home and through the games helped us to communicate and build relationships with each other.During the activities they provided us a safe space to discuss our emotions and our stressors,they teach us how beneficial is to open up and talk with the people. In the end of this project we had developed our mental health awareness which contribute to well-being. Through the organization of Praxis we had this big opportunity to encourage social interaction with
people we might not otherwise have the opportunity to talk to and we saw places and monuments that we will never forget.
Ντεπυ Παπαγιαννοπουλου
A week full of activities, workshops, teamwork, meetings, experiences…
At the “Healthy Mind Bots” youth exchange, that took place in Alicante, Spain, I met people and had activities that were a lifetime experience. The interaction with other cultures was unique and at the same time the project helped me gain more knowledge and become better with problem solving. Through the Erasmus+ program I had the opportunity to go deeper into the concept of mental health in the labor market, to look for data concerning my country but also to learn about problems and policies of other countries, to compare, to think critically, to analyze, to discuss, to reflect. It was a project that will remain etched in my memory and an experience that I would live again without a second thought.
Antigoni Boukoni
Alicante 8/05-15/05
The program started on Tuesday the 9th of the month, where in the morning we got together and did some activities and games so that we participants could get to know each other and learn some things about each other. For me it was one of the most important activities and I loved it because it broke the ice between us and we all started to open up little by little. The meetings we had in the mornings and the activities in the afternoons the following days were excellent. I was given the opportunity to learn a lot about the labor market and the mental health of young people in a more relaxed and friendly environment. The organizers were very friendly, they participated with us in activities but also in our free time, when they had time due to workload. My favorite activity that we were asked to do was to create our own activity, each group, and in the afternoon to implement it with all the participants of the program. So I was given the opportunity to organize a picnic with 3 other people in a very beautiful place with waterfalls, ponds and many trees. In addition we had some free hours with which we could explore the city and visit the beach and the castle of Alicante. Overall, this program left me with a very nice memory and motivation for there to be others.
Anna Iosif
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