“Greener Life” in Italy
Title: “Greener Life”
When: 20-27 July 2022
Who: 5 participants, no age limits
Where: Serra San Bruno, Italy
The Training Course is created by and for youth workers in order to respond to their need of improving their knowledge, skills and attitude toward the environmental issues that we are facing. They want to develop sustainability competences in order to save resources, reduce energy use and waste, compensate carbon footprint emissions, opt for sustainable food and mobility choices.
Objectives of the project:
This Training Course will answer the youth workers‟ personal and professional needs, which are the following:
- learn how to better promote environmentally friendly practices
- having the power to organize, motivate and guide youth in taking action regarding greener practices
- understand the ecology problems of their community and how they could address it together with the young people
- learn how to attract young people towards a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle
- learn non-formal methods that could make young people more interested in the topic
- develop greener strategies and methodologies, about creating sustainable activities
Arrival and departure:
Arrival on 20th july 2022 in Lamezia Terme, Soverato or directly to Serra San Bruno. If you arrive to Lamezia Terme or Soverato an Italian participant will wait for you and together you will take the transfer to Serra San Bruno.
Eligible means of transport: bus, train, personal car, plane.
The seminar starts on 20th july, with common dinner and a getting to know each other session, after dinner. The activities will finish on 27th July.
In case you want to visit Roma or other places, you can stay longer in Italy (max 2 days). You can arrive few days before the project and also stay longer, but you have to find your own accommodation for the extra days.
Costs / travel expenses and reimbursement
Accomodation and food (3 meals per day) during the training course – as well as all programme costs – are covered by our Erasmus+. Participants have to buy the tickets themselves and bring/send us all original documents.
The cost of the tranfer from Airport or Train/bus station (Soverato/Lamezia Terme) to the venue (SerraSan Bruno) is € 20 for each participant.
Maximum amount of money that we can reimburse per person: 320 €
You will be accommodated in double or triple rooms with shower and toilet. Bed linen will be provided as well as towels. We won’t put people from same nationality in rooms in order to give you the chance to learn about new cultures.
We will have 3 meals per day.
More informations of the accommodation: http://www.hotellafontanella.it/
Health insurance:
During your stay in Italy, you will not be accident-insured, health-insured and personal liability-insured by us, so if you want please provide such a private insurance in your own country and make sure you will bring it with you. Or you have the possibility, for the health insurance, to ask for the European Health Card which is free of charge and can be procured from your countries (available only for EU member states citizens).
participants will receive a “Youthpass” Certificate after the course upon their request. Youthpass is an official recognized tool in order to validate non-formal learning aspects gained during the training. For further information, just follow the link:
Please fill the form here: https://forms.gle/7dnkEUwA4ua2q7ar8
Good luck!