“Y-EU-oth in Diversity” in Cyprus

Title: Y-EU-oth in Diversity
Where: Agros, Cyprus
When: 12-20/11/2021
Who: 4 participants

View of Agros village. Limassol District, Cyprus

Project Summary

By using non-formal education methods the participants will explore different methods of ensuring inclusiveness of youth work in diverse groups, share their experience and generate new project ideas. During the training course, a Diversity Strategy of each participating organization will be drafted and put in practice to better reaching out to their target groups.

The project is focused on exploring and exchanging the methods of managing diversity on different levels: personal, organizational, community and society in general.

Main Objectives

  • Equip the participants with skills, knowledge, and attitudes in diversity management on personal, organizational, and community levels.
  • Identify and exchange the practical methods, tools, and techniques of unlocking young people potential and reaching out to people with fewer opportunities.
  • Empower youth workers, facilitators, and trainers to enhance diversity and inclusion in their work with different groups of young people.
  • Create a space for self-reflection and self-assessment of youth workers and educators and promote the Youthpass as a tool of the learning progress recognition.
  • Develop a tailored strategy of implementing a culture of diversity in the daily youth work carrying out by the participating organizations.
  • Promote diversity-oriented and inclusive approaches of the Erasmus+ Youth programme and generate new project ideas


  • 4 participants (18+)
  • Experience in non-formal education


  • Travel expenses will be covered by the organizers with the support of ERASMUS+ programme. (245,00 EURO per person)
  • Accommodation is covered
  • Participation fee 20 euros

Language: English
Before filling the application form please check your trip rules!

Please fill the application: https://forms.gle/F3VEaqQqoNVa2cxy7
Good luck!

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