Eleftheria’s local workshop in the main square of Serres,Greece


After the completion of the Y.E “It’s time ” Ka2 Erasmus+ EU project that took place in Sao Luis, Portugal on 25th of August 2023 ,the greek participants were called to organised a local workshop and share their experience and knowledge as dissemination of the program. “Sustainability” and “Youth participation” was the main topics. One member of the greek team, Eleftheria Alevra , decided to disseminate them through an activity in the main square of Serres, Grecce. The local workshop was an interactive game, like board table, with two boxes relatable to the thems. Local citizens and volunteers from the European Union participated. All in all, her goals was to mobilize the people to participate in her action in order to transmit to them her own thoughts and feelings about this two topics and to listen /see / feel their side respectively.


Eleftheria Alevra

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