“The Expressive Mask” in Germany

Title: “The Expressive Mask”
Where: Grünheide, Germany
When: 06-21/12/2021
Who: 4 participants

Aerial view of Berlin

Project Summary
The aim of the project is to develop the ancient cultural artefact of the mask as a cutting-edge pedagogical tool. In particular, the project aims to use the mask as a method for working with young people who are socially marginalized and who experiences key markers of disadvantage. The project will explore the ways in which mask theatre can be used to tackle social isolation and barriers to verbal expression and to stimulate community building, intercultural tolerance, and dialogue.

The project will engage participants on an extra cognitive level though their participation in an extended creative process, providing a clear methodology for facilitating identity exploration amongst young people and cultivating self-awareness, self-confidence and societal responsibility.

Main Objectives

  • To teach participants how to model and construct expressive masks and for each participant to produce their own expressive mask.
  • To provide participants with a foundation in the principles and methods of performative mask theatre through offering an immersive participatory learning experience.
  • To combine both above-mentioned elements to create a 1-hour mask theatre performance.
  • To foster an environment of peer learning and equip youth workers with practical pedagogical tools that can be applied to their target groups.


  • 4 participants
  • Youth workers who work with migrants, refugees or young people from disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Facilitators of non-formal learning
  • Participation fee 100 euro

Travel Budget

Travel expenses are covered (275,00 euros per participant)
Accommodation is covered

Language: English

Before filling the application form please check your trip rules!

Please fill the application: https://forms.gle/F3VEaqQqoNVa2cxy7

Good luck!

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