“Empowering Youth Work for a Sustainable Future” in Lithuania

6.6.2024 – 11.6.2024

Antalkiai, Kaunas Lithuania


Report By Evi Ioannidou

This June I took part in the Training Course “EMPOWERING YOUTH WORK FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. FOCUS ON PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES” in Antalkiai, Kaunas district, Lithuania from 6/6/2024 to 11/6/2024.

Personally, taking part in this Training was an invaluable experience that enriched both my personal and academic development to a great extent. 

This Training Course focused on the social dimension of sustainability. 

Throughout the program, we aimed to empower people to contribute actively to a more sustainable future by incorporating the aspects of social justice and inclusion into their initiatives dedicated to youth.

The training focused on the following aspects of social sustainability: social equity and justice, diversity and inclusion, democratic participation and empowerment, and the development of sustainable communities.

I also had the chance to meet 23 amazing people from different countries, debate about different topics, and engage in all sorts of activities. I also had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in nature, in a fantastic place that will always stay in my heart!

For all this overwhelming experience, I need to express my gratitude to the PRAXIS organization and Mrs. Anna Alevra for accepting me as a representative in this Training, without which I would have missed an incredible opportunity.

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