TC in Italy_pax edition

The program was excellent! I was very encouraging and motivating, full of a lot of knowledge and strong positive emotions. So many new tools, given in so many different pedagogical ways, with so many different methodologies, full of games and imagination, that it left you with no questions. It was a program structured and organized in such a way that it honored the participants and their needs. Great importance was given to creating a safe place for the participants and to bonding the group. Excellent trainers, who gave space to the participants to present themselves, to position themselves and to express questions. A structured program with a very clear goal.

Lena Delliou

Another training of the 21st Century programme was successfully completed and I feel very happy and lucky to have participated.  Although it had been about 9 months since we last saw each other in person , we created a very strong rebuilding and reconnection from the very first moment , which helped us to reignite the energy of the group and remember what we had learned in the first training. Very quickly we started working with the new coaching tools and methods that the trainers were teaching us which personally helped me a lot in my development as a coach. At the same time every day of the training there was the opportunity to practice what we were learning , which helped us to understand the dynamics and in this way we got a lot of energy and motivation to continue to practice and to face our fears of inexperience in coaching. Finally, this week at Nicolosi was full of very happy moments, unique experiences of getting to know Italian culture and quality time with people who now feel like family.! With the completion of this training I feel very confident about the results that this program will bring to me personally and to my clients and at the same time I feel grateful for all those who are involved in the field of social coaching , creating in their way a better environment for young people to grow. 

Vasilis Arvanitakis

My experience in Sicily in October was the second meeting of our training. The excitement was different than the first one not only because I couldn’t wait to experience what was coming but because I wanted to gather again with all those beautiful people who participated in this project. We spend one week inside the Sicilian mountains discovering the life of the citizens and also keep up with the project and learning new skills about coaching. What we have learned during those days was really helpful for me after the project, not only to better support my clients but also to work with myself and create a better environment for me and my life. I can’t wait to meet for the third and last project in Austria, to learn and to experience more… Thank you to all organizers for one more time

Anastasia Lioliou

This time was different! The place contributed greatly to a different feel and gave us extra energy, since we were at the foothills of Etna. It was the second time that our group met and that had extra interest. The dynamic of the group was very strong and that helped all of us to delve into more into the topics that were offered. This training  is memorable for different reasons. Τhere was a wealth of knowledge in coaching tools, safe space for doing coaching sessions and having the guidance of the trainers/coaches, new insights and inputs on training competences and all the favorable conditions to practice on them.  After a long time, I felt that I was on such a fertile ground that I could let myself grow and develop different aspects. In particular, I benefited greatly from the DEMO sessions, where we were working for hours in national groups, in different NFE tools and how they can be used in coaching. I learnt a lot from this as well and I feel so grateful that I am part of this project. I can’t wait for the next training.

Georgia Tsiaousi

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