“Ecoconnect for Greener Future” in Lithuania
Youth Exchange
23 – 29 MAY 2024
Paplatelė, LITHUANIA
Partner Countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Spain, Romania, Turkiye, Greece
By participating in the Erasmus+ programme “EcoConnect for a Greener Future”, I gained a lot on a personal and professional level. This experience allowed me to broaden my knowledge about sustainable development and green technologies. It also gave me the opportunity to work with people from different countries, exchanging ideas and good practices. I discovered new perspectives and was empowered with tools and methods to protect the environment. It also strengthened my communication and problem-solving skills, contributing significantly to my professional development.
My participation in “EcoConnect for a Greener Future” increased my environmental awareness and my understanding of the need to take immediate action to protect the planet. Through lectures, workshops and group activities, I gained valuable knowledge and practical skills that I can apply both in my daily life and in my professional career. Networking with professionals and activists from all over Europe opened up new possibilities for future collaborations and innovative projects.
This experience was an important step towards a more sustainable and greener future, strengthening my commitment to environmental protection.
Emmi Ioannidou
The project was held literally inside a forest, next to the gorgeous lake Paplatele, where we swam almost everyday (obviously) after a day full of activities. Speaking of activities, we have managed to familiarize ourselves with the goals of sustainability in our everyday lives. It was a very creative process, since we learned how to give a second life to things that were about to be thrown away. For one more time, I met amazing people from all over Europe, whom I shared knowledge and experiences with. It is always insane how Youth Exchanges manage to bring total strangers in one random place and make memories that last for a lifetime!
Achileas Tholiotis
My participation in Erasmus+ Program “EcoConnect: Youth exchange for a greener future” was my first ever participation in Youth Exchange program. And I must admit It was one I will forever remember.
First, the place where we stayed it was one of the most beautiful and enchanting places I’ve ever been to, placed by a very beautiful lake. I felt serenity and it gave an opportunity of city detox, since was away from any city or village.
As a program, it gave me the opportunity to understand that the way to be eco-friendly and sustainable was not that hard at all. Through a variety of creative activities and games we were able to learn how to give new life to things, the importance of recycle and many more. Also, we were given the opportunity to discuss with other people for what is the situation like in their countries.
But we weren’t narrowed only in learning about Eco- programs in other countries. We were lucky enough to share this wonderful experience with some amazing people. We were able to connect with them, and form friendships that I think can last a lifetime.
It was an amazing experience and if I must give advice to someone who’s considering applying to an Erasmus+ project that would be do it NOW. Finally, I would like to thank both the host organization and Praxis for giving me this amazing opportunity and for making this experience unique.
Olga Samara
EcoConnect Youth Exchange for a Greener Future στο Paplatelė της Λιθουανίας ξεκίνησε με ένα quiz για το προσωπικό μας αποτύπωμα διοξειδίου του άνθρακα (CO2). συγκρίνοντας τα αποτελέσματά μας, συνειδητοποιήσαμε ποιος είναι ο αντίκτυπος των συνηθειών μας στο περιβάλλον. επίσης, είχαμε τη τιμή να μας επισκεφθεί ο υπεύθυνος του Εθνικού Πάρκου Žemaitijos, στο οποίο διαμένουμε κατά τη διάρκεια του προγράμματος, και να μας ενημερώσει για την ιστορία, την χλωρίδα και πανίδα, τη νομοθεσία και τις δραστηριότητες που λαμβάνουν χώρα στο πάρκο αυτό. ακόμη, συζητήσαμε συλλογικά για τις διατροφικές επιλογές μας, πόσο βιώσιμες είναι αυτές και πόσο διαφέρουν (ή και όχι) από χώρα σε χώρα. επιπλέον, επαναχρησιμοποιήσαμε παλιά ρούχα για να δημιουργήσουμε τσάντες πολλών χρήσεων. με αυτό το τρόπο μάθαμε να δίνουμε δεύτερη ευκαιρία σε αντικείμενα που ίσως θα ρίχναμε στα σκουπίδια. τέλος, γνωρίσαμε τα 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), μεταφράζοντάς τα σε emoji.
Georgia Poumplaki
Taking part in the Youth Exchange program was a new experience for me and one I will never forget. Visiting Lithuania was something I always wanted to do and I must admit I was in awe. The area the project took place in, the forest near Lake Plateliai was breathtaking. The program itself gave us the opportunity to witness the water cleaning process as well as learn new ways to reuse and upcycle items. In this project we also got to meet new people, mingle, form new friendships and see how the ecology situation is in their countries. If I gave advise to somebody who’s considering applying to an Erasmus+ project I would tell them to not be afraid to try it and consider all the new experiences they can gain that they’ll always remember.
Eva Sdravrikli
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